Produtos>Nestle-Aland Greek New Testament, 28th Edition, with Critical Apparatus (NA28)

Nestle-Aland Greek New Testament, 28th Edition, with Critical Apparatus (NA28)

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$ 99,99 USD

Das Novum Testamentum Graece ist die Basis für fast jede moderne Bibelübersetzung heute. Genutzt von Wissenschaftlern, Pastoren, Studenten und Übersetzern, ist das Novum Testamentum von Nestle-Aland der absolute Standard für eine globale, kritische Ausgabe des griechischen Neuen Testaments. Die 28. Ausgabe beinhaltet fundamentale Änderungen für verbesserte Klarheit und Nutzbarkeit. Der Text der katholischen Briefe beinhaltet nun textkritische Einblicke der Editio Critical Major(ECM) des griechischen Neuen Testaments—der neuesten Wissenschaft in Bezug auf den griechischen Text. Darüber hinaus werden zum ersten Mal die neu gefundenen Papyri 117–127 aufgeführt, was neue interessante Perspektiven speziell auf die Apostelgeschichte erlaubt. Die NA28 beinhaltet zwei Ressource: Der morphologisch markierte Text mit Apparatusverweisen und den kritischen Apparat.

The long-awaited 28th edition of the Novum Testamentum Graece has now been published. Once again the editors thoroughly examined the critical apparatus and they introduced more than 30 textual changes in the Catholic Letters, reflecting recent comprehensive collations. With the intent to make this book more user-friendly, the editors also revised the introductions and provided more explanations in English. This concise edition of the Greek New Testament, which has now grown to 1,000 pages, will continue to play a leading role in academic teaching and scholarly exegesis.

—David Trobisch, professor of New Testament language and literature, Bangor Theological Seminary

Barbara Aland is emeritus professor of New Testament research and church history at Westphalian Wilhelms-University of Münster. In 1983, she was appointed director of the Institute for New Testament Textual Research, an institute known for publishing the Novum Testamentum Graece.

Kurt Aland (1915–1994), German theologian and biblical scholar, founded the Institute for New Testament Research and served as its director from 1959 to 1983.

Johannes Karavidopoulos is an Orthodox scholar and emeritus professor of New Testament at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

Carlo M. Martini (1927–2012) was an Italian Jesuit, archbishop of Milan, and cardinal of the Catholic Church. He was the only Catholic member of the ecumenical committee that published the Novum Testamentum Graece.

Bruce M. Metzger (1914–2007) was a professor at Princeton Theological seminary. A scholar of Greek, New Testament, and New Testament textual criticism, he is considered one of the most influential New Testament scholars of the twentieth century.


Avaliações 46

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  1. Ryan Whitaker

    Ryan Whitaker


  2. Song Wendy

    Song Wendy


  3. Silviu



  4. Joshua Ganz

    Joshua Ganz


    Der Nestle-Aland ist mit seinem textkritischen Apparat auch für Geistliche ohne tiefgriefende Griechisch-Kenntnisse hilfreich. Zu erkennen, wie und aus welchem Material eine kommunikative Bibelübersetzung entsteht oder wieso und wo genau die SLT2000 von anderen Übersetzungen abweicht werden mit diesem Tool schnell ersichtlich und macht neben her sogar noch Spass.
  5. David



    I want you to make informed purchases. Although the current deep sale on this product may be worth taking advantage of still, especially if you are not a Greek/NT scholar, the NA29 is projected to release in late 2022 or early 2023. So, the sale is likely a result of the anticipated release. There should not be many changes outside of some MSS analytical additions.
  6. John Powell

    John Powell


  7. Nathan Harris

    Nathan Harris


  8. Kurt Gewessler

    Kurt Gewessler


    how can I install?
  9. Emmanuel Tsoutsas
    Man, this is such a great tool but also quite a high price for a seminary student. haha
  10. Ronald Elzinga

    Ronald Elzinga


$ 99,99 USD